8 weeks to 12 months
Each classroom at our center gives your child the chance to grow by encouraging discovery and imagination. We offer safe and caring spaces for each child to investigate their world in new ways.
8 weeks to 12 months
Each classroom at our center gives your child the chance to grow by encouraging discovery and imagination. We offer safe and caring spaces for each child to investigate their world in new ways.
Meet the Teachers
Our staff is nurturing, caring, and genuinely dedicated to young children and their families. They receive ongoing training from early childhood professionals in developmentally appropriate practices. Many hold CDA (Child Development Associate) credentials and are certified in first aid and CPR.
Patricia Bell
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Twyla McLellard
Assistant Teacher
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Eddie Mae Cooper
Part Time
Assistant Teacher
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at First UMC
"Where Faith Shapes Futures"
320 West Main, Magnolia, AR 71753
Hours: 6:45 am - 5:30pm
Monday - Friday
870-234-8554 | fumccdc@gmail.com
We believe in shaping bright futures by building a foundation of faith, love and learning. Since 1989, God has called us to nurture not just the body but the heart, helping provide children a safe place to grow into compassionate, confident individuals.